Bengali Beauty, a film on an unconventional love story will now be released in China. It has primarily been estimated that the film would get around 300 cineplexes for screening. Rahsaan Noor who is a Bangladeshi expatriate actor in US has debuted as a director with the film. It was released on July 20 at only one Cineplex in Bangladesh, Blockbuster Cinemas. It is looking to go wider in the country on September 21. But before that the director has revealed a new development in the film's global promotional campaign.
It might be added that earlier this year the film was released in US and met with huge appreciation and support from the Bangladeshi community living there. It is expected that the film would meet with similar success in China and among China's big Bangladeshi community. The community living in China has already expressed its eagerness for watching the film, the director Rahsaan claims. Chinese authority and people's representatives have also expressed eagerness to learn about Bangladesh and its people through the film. So Rahsaan is hoping that China can become a big market for Bangladeshi films. Bengali Beauty is based on a love story set in 70s Bangladesh amidst the political turmoil surrounding the murder of Bangabahdu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and start of military rule. n
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